They Know We Will Deliver It

January 30, 2025

Chuck Hurdleston

Vice President of Sales and Service, Keystone Turbine Services

PAG Engine Services

Customers trust us because
they’ve learned that their
problem is our problem. 

“I’ve been in love with aviation since I was a child in Tucson, Arizona climbing trees and watching airplanes fly in and out of Davis – Monthan Airforce Base, just two blocks away. I grew up in Moorestown, New Jersey, then attended Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Florida. I graduated in 1984 with a BS in Aviation Business Management. Having joined Army ROTC, I was a commissioned as an officer in the US Army upon graduation,” said Chuck.

“I attended Rotary-Wing Flight School at Fort Rucker, Alabama where I flew three helicopter models. I graduated in 1986 as an Army Aviator and was assigned to Fort Wainwright in Fairbanks, Alaska. It was beautiful flying over that landscape,” said Chuck.

Three years later he was discharged and moved to Seattle, Washington. For two years, he was the Production Manager for an inflight catering company servicing three international airlines.

In 1990, an Embry-Riddle career newsletter listed an opportunity for Airwork Corporation in Millville, New Jersey in their Alison 250 program. They were looking for a Customer Support Manager with helicopter experience preferred. In this role, Chuck learned about supporting customers, tackling warranty issues, working with technicians, preparing quotes, attending trade shows, and traveling to visit customer sites. These experiences kick-started his career in sales.

“Eight years later, I was recruited by Keystone Helicopter Corporation (KHC) Engine Services Division as Sales and Support Manager for their Alison engine shop. In 2005, Sikorsky purchased KHC and relocated to Coatesville, PA. In addition to engine sales, my role expanded to supporting sales in airframe maintenance, engineering services, and new aircraft custom completions for various market segments.

“Sikorsky sold its engine division to M International in 2012, who rebranded our division as Keystone Turbine Services (KTS) while continuing to expand the business and build our reputation. As VP of Sales and Service, I’ve had the privilege of working with a team of outstanding service and support professionals. We’ve grown KTS from a small enterprise to a full-fledged global international business,” said Chuck.

PAG purchased KTS in 2021, investing heavily in additional capabilities and product lines. Today, KTS is the second largest Rolls-Royce M250 and RR300 facility in the world.

According to Chuck, “Operators and DOMs are busy with the daily work required to keep aircraft flying. When we take a critical burden off them, we help make their lives easier. We also support them with operational expertise and product information, taking on more of a consulting role.

“Customers trust us because they’ve learned that their problem is our problem. When we deliver as promised, they come back. Through PAG we’ve been able to expand our reach worldwide, into areas we’ve not had the opportunity to support before. When customers call saying we need this; they know PAG will deliver it,” concluded Chuck.

Contact Chuck Hurdleston: +1 610.268.6200 |

— PAG Insider

Keystone Turbine Services

KTS Datasheet

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About PAG

Others Sell Parts, We Sell Support.

PAG supports operators in the Airline, Business and General Aviation (BGA), and the Military markets through its Inventory Supported Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (ISMRO®) business model, with focused capabilities in Avionics, Engines, Components, and Manufacturing/DER Services

At PAG, employees get the exchange of talent, experiences, and resources of multiple companies all while working for one. With 24 Repair Stations, and over 1.1-million-square-feet of sales and service facilities in the United States, Canada, Australia, Singapore, and Brazil – PAG’s 27 locations and customer-focused business model serve aviation customers through Supply Chain and Inventory Supported Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (ISMRO®) services. PAG is one of only 11 companies, outside of OEMs, to collectively hold all FAA certifications.

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