January 30, 2025

Wildfire seasons are starting earlier, spreading faster, and lasting longer.

“Smoke and soot from the fires will collect on the engine’s compressor blade. Overtime, engine compressor diffusers and starter generator stator vanes will decrease efficiency and engine performance. One way to help minimize the buildup of airborne particles would be to perform daily compressor washes and rinses. The best way to prevent premature erosion is to operate with an approved engine inlet barrier filter.”

Anthony Carter, Director of Production – (Coatesville)
PAG – Engine Services 

Precision Aviation Group (PAG) supports our first and last line of defense — the firefighters who risk their lives every time they climb into a cockpit and start the engine. Meeting the challenges of keeping firefighting aircraft ready to meet battle conditions is THE highest priority for operators. A combination of strategic planning, parts sourcing, and rigorous maintenance practices are JOB-ONE for aircraft engineers and technicians.

Always ready to provide expert Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) services from initial inspections through regulation compliance, PAG supports our fire defenders from the ground to the sky and back again, and again.

  • 27 Locations / 24 Repair Stations Worldwide
  • Comprehensive Maintenance, Repair, Overhaul (MRO) Services, over 140,000 Repairs Annually
  • 4 MRO Service Categories: Avionics – Components – Engines – Manufacturing/DER
  • 200,000+ Flight-Ready Parts in Inventory Shipped When You Need It
  • 110+ Authorized OEM Product Lines
  • 1.1M sq-ft of Facilities
  • Tip-to-Tail Support for Fixed- and Rotor-wing Aircraft
  • Award Winning Engine & APU Services

Communications, radar and navigation, flight controls, search lights, fire suppression systems

Burbank, CA / Pompano, FL (VEL)
Camarillo, CA (PDR)
Long Beach, CA (PAT)
Peachtree City, GA (PAS)
Rock Hill, NC (ICON)
Atlanta, GA / Lafayette, LA / Vancouver, CA, / Brisbane, AU / Singapore (PAI/PHP)

Starter generators, wheels and brakes, landing gear, hydraulic systems

Lane Cove West, AU (IAP)
São José dos Campos, BR (EFIX)
Long Beach, CA (PAT)
Jackson, MS (TA)
Atlanta, GA / Lafayette, LA / Vancouver, CA, / Brisbane, AU / Singapore (PAI/PHP)

Engines, APUs, turbines, fuel controls, casings, engine accessories.

Brisbane, QLD / Sydney, NSW / Miami, FL (PTB)
Coatesville, PA (KTS)
Lane Cove West, AU (IAP)
Independence, KS (PAC)
Dallas, TX / Phoenix, AZ /Pittsburgh, PA (PT)
Rock Hill, NC (TAG)

Engineering design and manufacture of cockpit panels.
LCD panel repairs, welding, coatings, emergency lighting, smoke detector upgrades

Camarillo, CA (PDR)
Concord, ON (PRS)AWT)
Oklahoma City, OK (QCS/CEL)
Uxbridge, MA (WT)
Van Nuys, CA (EDN)

Contact Us to Help Keep You in the Air.

Precision Aviation Group
Global Headquarters
900 Circle 75 Parkway, Suite 650
Atlanta, GA 30339

Main: +1 800.537.2778
Office: +1 404.768.9090
AOG: +1 404.218.5777

About PAG

Others Sell Parts, We Sell Support.

PAG supports operators in the Airline, Business and General Aviation (BGA), and the Military markets through its Inventory Supported Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (ISMRO®) business model, with focused capabilities in Avionics, Engines, Components, and Manufacturing/DER Services

At PAG, employees get the exchange of talent, experiences, and resources of multiple companies all while working for one. With 24 Repair Stations, and over 1.1-million-square-feet of sales and service facilities in the United States, Canada, Australia, Singapore, and Brazil – PAG’s 27 locations and customer-focused business model serve aviation customers through Supply Chain and Inventory Supported Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (ISMRO®) services. PAG is one of only 11 companies, outside of OEMs, to collectively hold all FAA certifications.

News & Resources

Making it Easy for Customers to Depend on Us

Brandon Godwin, General Manager, TAG Aero PAG – Engine Services A major focus in my role is connecting with team members to make sure they have what they need to be successful. Growing up in Marshville, NC, Brandon knew that he wanted to be a part of aviation, helping...

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They Know We Will Deliver It

Chuck Hurdleston Vice President of Sales and Service, Keystone Turbine Services PAG Engine Services Customers trust us because they’ve learned that their problem is our problem.  “I’ve been in love with aviation since I was a child in Tucson, Arizona climbing trees...

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Parts Search

It Takes More Than Just Parts to Get Off the Ground