Precision Aviation Group Obtains Part 145 CASA & EASA Approval in Australia

March 9, 2015

Atlanta, GA – March 2, 2015 – Precision Aviation Group, Inc. (PAG), a leading provider of products and value-added services to the worldwide aerospace and defense industry announced today that the company has obtained Part 145 approval from the Civil Aviation Service Authority (CASA) and European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) in Australia after working closely with officials for the past 12 months.

 “PAG Australia has taken care of our customers’ needs in the Australia, Asia and the South Pacific Regions for over two years from our Brisbane, Australia, location,” said David Mast, President & CEO of PAG. “Our company continues to grow and expand the scope of our products and MRO capabilities worldwide in order to serve our customers not only in Australia, but throughout the world.”

 Chris Slade serves as the Director of Operations for PAG Australia. “By having CASA & EASA approval on the capabilities in Australia, our company is able to provide, competitive pricing, improved turn times and ongoing reliability and technical support on starter generators and hydraulic components for both rotor and fixed wing customers,” said Slade. “The local support provided in Australia is backed by PAG’s Inventory Supported Maintenance Repair and Overhaul (ISMRO) program to ensure that operators’ fleet reliability remains high and operating costs are kept low.”

 Having a Part 145 approved facility in Australia reduces aircraft downtime, improves response time and enables customers to leverage the full scope of PAG services locally in Australia. This translates into time and cost savings for customers. The 10,000 square foot facility strategically located near Brisbane’s Airport, allows PAG Australia’s staff to provide sales, exchanges and MRO services to mission critical operators in “real time”.

 “This certification reiterates PAG’s commitment to our customers and provides them with a known and trusted brand in country when looking for a reliable MRO partner,” said Mast. “Australia represents a growing aviation market, and we will continue to make capital investments in Australia in the coming years.”

About PAG

Others Sell Parts, We Sell Support.

PAG supports operators in the Airline, Business and General Aviation (BGA), and the Military markets through its Inventory Supported Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (ISMRO®) business model, with focused capabilities in Avionics, Engines, Components, and Manufacturing/DER Services

At PAG, employees get the exchange of talent, experiences, and resources of multiple companies all while working for one. With 24 Repair Stations, and over 1.1-million-square-feet of sales and service facilities in the United States, Canada, Australia, Singapore, and Brazil – PAG’s 27 locations and customer-focused business model serve aviation customers through Supply Chain and Inventory Supported Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (ISMRO®) services. PAG is one of only 11 companies, outside of OEMs, to collectively hold all FAA certifications.

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