Personnel Changes/Promotions at PAG

February 10, 2006

Precision Aviation Group announces the following promotions:

David Scarbrough – Promoted to Repair Station Manager – PAI. David’s track record of continuously putting the company first, hard work, technical expertise, and ability to get things done, speaks highly of his future success. David’s role as the Repair Station Manager – PHP, has prepared him well for his new role. In David’s new role he will be responsible for the Day-to-Day operations of all of PAI’s shops, as well as ensuring that we grow our capabilities/production capacities in order to exceed customer expectations.

WD Atwood – Promoted to Operations Manager – PAI. Dee’s track record and 50 years of Aviation Shop experience (Rockwell-Collins, Avgroup) give him rare insight to shop operations. Dee comes to us from Avgroup where he was the Chief Inspector. In Dee’s new role he will be responsible for Scheduling and prioritizing Customer/Stock work by technician, monitoring production, and recruiting/hiring new Technicians. Dee played a key role in expanding our Avionics rating in 2005 and also played a pivotal role in helping us expand our capabilities list by over 400+ items last year.

Eric Henry – Promoted to Assistant Chief Inspector – PAI. In addition to Eric’s technical capabilities, he has played a key role in the work that went into the starting PHP’s shop. Eric’s role as PHPIA’s (PHP Instruments&Accessories) Chief Inspector prepared him to take on this role and continue his training under Bill Latimer – Chief Inspector – PAI.

David Cochrane – Promoted to newly Created Job – Training Manager – PAI. In recognition of the training requirements that will be required of all FAA Repair Stations in the near future – this job is one of the most critical for the future of all of our companies. He brings 40+ years of Technical Aviation experience, excellent troubleshooting and technical abilities. In Dave’s new role he will be responsible for training new hires in specific roles, setting a training schedule for cross training in our mission critical products, and co-ordinating with David S. and D Atwood to set a schedule of Training for the 2nd-4th Quarters of 2006. We thank him for his years of service on the Bench and as Repair Station Manager of PAI for the last 18 months.

About PAG

Others Sell Parts, We Sell Support.

PAG supports operators in the Airline, Business and General Aviation (BGA), and the Military markets through its Inventory Supported Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (ISMRO®) business model, with focused capabilities in Avionics, Engines, Components, and Manufacturing/DER Services

At PAG, employees get the exchange of talent, experiences, and resources of multiple companies all while working for one. With 24 Repair Stations, and over 1.1-million-square-feet of sales and service facilities in the United States, Canada, Australia, Singapore, and Brazil – PAG’s 27 locations and customer-focused business model serve aviation customers through Supply Chain and Inventory Supported Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (ISMRO®) services. PAG is one of only 11 companies, outside of OEMs, to collectively hold all FAA certifications.

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