Aero Technology Inc. (ATI) Changes Name to Precision Aero Technology (PAT)

April 10, 2013

Atlanta, GA – April 10, 2013 — Atlanta-based Precision Aviation Group (PAG), a leading provider of products and value-added services to the Worldwide Aerospace and Defense industries announces Long Beach, CA. based Aero Technology Inc. (ATI) has changed the company name to Precision Aero Technology (PAT) in an effort to identify the business as a member of the Precision Aviation Group of Companies offering worldwide Commercial, Military and General Aviation services for Fixed and Rotary-Wing platforms.

Atlanta-based Precision Aviation Group (PAG) acquired PAT in September 2011.  At that time, the company was primarily a MRO Services provider of Accessories, Avionics and Instruments to the Commercial Transport, Military and Regional Airline Markets.  The acquisition diversified PAG’s MRO capabilities and expanded the company’s operations into one of the largest aviation markets providing a platform for growth both for PAG and PAT.  “Over the past 18 months, we have made significant capital investments in Inventory and capabilities expansion to bring PAG’s suite of MRO services to PAT.  This includes a new Starter Generator and Wheel/Brake shop, as well a Hydraulics and Electro-Mechanical accessories” said David Mast, President and CEO of PAG.  “These investments have given PAT the ability to enhance the services they provide to their customers and allow PAG to expand its services to the Commercial, Military and GA customers located on the West Coast.”

“Being a part of the PAG family since 2011 has allowed us to leverage product and service development to meet the needs of our customers” said Mark Stemwedel, PAT President. “The decision to change the name now allows us to align our customer focused marketing, advertising, and branding with the other PAG companies around the globe.”

About PAG

Others Sell Parts, We Sell Support.

PAG supports operators in the Airline, Business and General Aviation (BGA), and the Military markets through its Inventory Supported Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (ISMRO®) business model, with focused capabilities in Avionics, Engines, Components, and Manufacturing/DER Services

At PAG, employees get the exchange of talent, experiences, and resources of multiple companies all while working for one. With 24 Repair Stations, and over 1.1-million-square-feet of sales and service facilities in the United States, Canada, Australia, Singapore, and Brazil – PAG’s 27 locations and customer-focused business model serve aviation customers through Supply Chain and Inventory Supported Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (ISMRO®) services. PAG is one of only 11 companies, outside of OEMs, to collectively hold all FAA certifications.

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