New Team Member Post Orientation Survey Are you excited to arrive at work each day? Yes No Did you receive your apparel, computer, and security badge in a timely manner? Yes No Can you count on receiving help and support when needed? Yes No Do you feel comfortable asking for help? Yes No Are you receiving regular feedback on your performance? Yes No Do you feel energized after a day’s work? Yes No Was the initial job training provided to you sufficient to get started in your role? Yes No Do you see a path for career advancement and increasing your skills at PAG? Yes No Do you feel valued and respected? Yes No Do you have a close friend(s) at work? Yes No Did you receive your first paycheck on time? Yes No Did your offer letter provide clear direction on what to do on your first day? Yes No Were the instructions you received about benefits enrollment clear? Yes No Did you receive enough details and guidance to complete your new-hire tasks? Yes No Did you feel welcome on your first day? Yes No Does your manager take time to coach you? Yes No Has your Mentor/Buddy helped you get up to speed and feel comfortable? Yes No Is your job and working at PAG as it was described to you in the hiring process? Yes No What is the most fulfilling aspect of your workday? Yes No Would you recommend PAG as a ‘great place to work” to a family member or friend? Yes No